Welcome to Mellow Peach Foot Care!
About Our Services:
Mellow Peach Advanced Foot Care provides comprehensive nursing nail and foot care services at various locations, including your home, hospitals, and long-term care facilities. Our offerings include:
• Nail and Foot Care: Services such as nail trimming, callus and corn treatment, foot assessments, and health education.
What to Expect at Your First Appointment:
• We'll discuss your medical history, review consent forms, and handle payment details.
• Payment Methods: We currently accept debit, cash or e-transfer.
o Basic Manicure: $14.99
o In-Home Foot Care: $74.99
o Clinic Visit: $64.99
o Hospital/Facility Visit: $84.99
• Receipts will be sent via email. Let us know if you prefer a printed copy, so that we can have one prepared prior to your appointment.
Preparing for Your Appointment:
• Clean Feet: Please wash your feet the night before or the morning of your appointment.
• Nail Polish: Remove any polish from your nails. (We can remove it for you if needed in clinic.)
• No Moisturizer: Do not apply any lotion/moisturizer to your feet before the appointment.
• Cancellations: Kindly give us at least 24 hours’ notice if you need to cancel or reschedule. Contact us at 902-919-1330 or email Mellowpeachfootcare@gmail.com
Key Points to Remember:
• Quality Care: Our services are delivered by either Registered Nurses or Licensed Practical Nurses who ensure the highest standards of care.
• Comfort and Safety: We are pet-friendly but request that pets be kept in another room during your appointment.
• Smoking/vaping: Please refrain from smoking/vaping for at least an hour before our visit.
Step into comfort and wellness with our nursing foot care services!
Thanks for supporting our small business.
The Mellow Peach Advanced Foot Care Team