Providing nursing foot care or medi-pedicures to Halifax, Dartmouth and surrounding areas. We are growing!
We are partnering with Alma Reflexology.
Appointments must be booked for services Mon/Tue/Wed.
Walk-ins to the clinic are available Fri/Sat.
Foot care may be covered by your health insurance, if you are a member of the following:
Veterans Affairs Canada
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Interim Federal Health Program
Canadian Armed Forces.
Please call us for more info.
Evening appointments are available.
Reflexology with Alma is available on Saturdays, October 12 and 26, November 9 and 23, December 14 and 28, and January 11 and 25. All appointments must be booked. There is no walk-in option for this service. If you are new to Reflexology with Alma, please select the initial consult for your first visit.